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A member registered Jan 23, 2024

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(1 edit)

On Windows. I can't seem to select .aseprite files from the explorer popup.

I think it might be the required extension should be .aseprite instead of aseprite (missing a dot)

(1 edit)

I would like to suggest some improvements on the overall code-editing experience when using Lua and HLSL nodes.

1.  The pop-up code editor should have a scroll bar, otherwise editing longer code is impossible.

2.  Currently the default line breaking behaviour when open up a pop-up editor is to use shift+enter, while a single enter commits the changes. I personnaly feel that this is against my code-editing habits, and feel that it should be the other way around.  Perhaps this could be made a global setting otherwise everytime we open the pop-up editor we have to switch line breaking beahaviour first.

3. There seem to be a bug when switching line breaking behaviour to enter: After the switch, it doesn't seem possible to type consecutive line breaks when clicking and setting the cursor at the end of a line (we can only add one empty line after the previously clicked line, even if we hit enter multiple times). This doesn't happen when moving the cursor using arrow keys.

4. I'm not certain how the nodes are serialized, but I think saving the code snippet to a separate file could be an option, which also opens up the possibility to edit code with external code editor. And if this is feasible then a button that opens up an external code editor could be put in the code section. The path to the code editor or ultimately the cmd command syntax to be used could be set in the preferences.

Version: steam

How to reproduce:

1. Create a Lua Compute node, in lua code section type:

return 1

2. Connect the output of the Lua Compute node with a Number node (serves as display)

3. Hit compile on the Lua Compute node. The expected result would be the Number node showing "1" but it is always "0"

4. Change the Function Name of the Lua Compute node to any legal function name, hit Compile

5. The Number node now shows "1" correctly.

6. change the code in Lua Compute node to return 2 and hit compile, similarly, the Number node is showing "1", but changing the name of the function solves the issue


1. Nodes seem to be "late for 1 compilation": the input value of print or number nodes seem to be updated when changing the return value of the preceding Lua Compute node, but the output value which suppose to just forward the input value is still the old value. 

2. It might not be Lua Compute node that is the source of the problem, but rather how nodes are updated, due to the "late for 1 compilation" described above.  

Observe another scenario: 

We still connect a Lua Compute to a number node, and write  return 1  in Lua Code section. Hit compile, the number node shows 0. Now, we change the code to return 2 , and hit recompile. This time, the number node shows 1.  

This suggests that any code change in Lua Compute would update the next node, to a previous value, it just happen that updating the function name is a way to update the value correctly as the return value doesn't change between 2 compilations.